Ready to Start Dating?
So you think you're ready to start dating? What is dating? It's more than liking one another, posting one another, it's a commitment, a promise! Swipe right to read more. #SexualityEducation #Dating101
Written by Maggie Gross, Summer 2023 Intern

Four hands holding up phones with heart images on them.

Remember, there is no rush. Don’t treat life as a race with milestones. This mindset sets you up to constantly compare yourself to others and what they’re doing. Only you can decide when you are ready to start dating.
On the bottom right is an image of two brown-skinned femme folks sitting together at a round table drinking out of mugs. One of the people is using a hearing aid.

There is nothing wrong with being single. Allow yourself to take the time you need to understand who you are, and what you want in a partner. Be honest with yourself.
On the bottom right is an image of two queer masc folks. One is brown-skinned and one is dark-skinned. They’re both wearing durags. They are hugging each other.

Don’t force unrealistic expectations onto potential partners. It’s ok if people come and go. Supportive partners will listen, respect, and help you grow.
At the bottom is an image of three people embracing each other. From left to right: masc person embracing a femme person who’s embracing an androgynous person who is holding their arms out to the sides.

Don’t tolerate unsupportive relationships that make you fear judgment or the violation of your boundaries. Remember your worth, and that you deserve respect.
Image on the bottom of two femme folks in an embrace. One has the trans flag on the back of their jacket.

A supportive partner is someone who is as sure of you, as you are of them. They will listen to you. They’ll celebrate your victories, and mourn your losses with you. They’ll respect your needs and boundaries. They’ll be someone you can grow with and learn from.
Below are images of two couples. One of the couple include a shirtless light-skinned masc person with top surgery scars having their hair combed by a brown-skinned femme person who is wearing glasses and has vitiligo.

ask yourself these questions
Top right is an image of a pink cherub aiming a heart themed bow and arrow. On the top left are two pink-red hearts. On the bottom left is a dark pink corded phone. The bottom right has another set of pink-red hearts.

Am I happy with the person I am and do I understand what I value as an individual?
On the top left are two pink-red hearts. The bottom right has another set of pink-red hearts.

Do I know what I want from a partner and a romantic relationship?
On the top left are two pink-red hearts. The bottom right has another set of pink-red hearts.

Is dating for me?
On the top left are two pink-red hearts. The bottom right has another set of pink-red hearts.

What else do I have going on? School, work, family, friends, hobbies, etc.?
On the top left are two pink-red hearts. The bottom right has another set of pink-red hearts.

Have I healed enough from my past traumas to be present and give commitment to a romantic partner?
On the top left are two pink-red hearts. The bottom right has another set of pink-red hearts.

Do I understand it is not their job to heal me, but to support me in my journey?
On the top left are two pink-red hearts. The bottom right has another set of pink-red hearts.

Do I have realistic expectations?